How To Keep Your Kitchen Clean

Figuring out how to keep a house clean may seem like one of life’s many mysteries, especially for families and individuals who work full-time. But with a little time and effort, you can easily create great cleaning habits to keep your nest tidy year round.

Out of all the rooms in your home, the kitchen is the one that needs the most love. Here are a few tips that we do each day to make sure our kitchen stays relatively clean.

  1. CLEANING WHILE YOU COOK - This is one is a big one for me. I feel it is so much easier to clean and stay tidy while I cook. Instead of looking at the kitchen once everyone is done eating, and trying to figure out who will be the Kitchen cleaner (never my husband or son, well maybe sometimes :). I find putting away a few things while I cook makes life easier. Spices in the cupboard, dishes and utensils in the dishwasher, remaining ingredients back in the fridge. I promise you, if you can stay on top of the smaller things, dinner is so much more enjoyable.

  2. ASKING FAMILY TO PUT DISHES AWAY - Mothers, I know this is a hard one, but if you can have a little bit of help each day it really does go a long way. If each member of the family was responsible for their dish, or cup after they finish, and simply put it it in the dishwasher, it makes everyone’s life a little bit easier. We clean properties all of the time and we love coming home to a clean kitchen of our own.

  3. HIRING LYNCH LANE HOMES - Shameless plug, I know. But I am not kidding when I say we KNOW how to keep your kitchen at it’s absolute best. It is a big part of the home and like I mentioned earlier, a kitchen needs the most love. Sometimes it’s hard tending to the kitchen after working all day, daily family life, etc. We get it, parents of two children. . . . we get it :)

Figuring out how to keep a house clean may seem like one of life’s many mysteries, especially for families and individuals who work full-time. But with a little time and effort, you can easily create great cleaning habits to keep your nest tidy year round.

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Best Cleaning Products For Bathrooms

Best Bathroom Cleaners

We all know how hard it is to keep your bathrooms sparkling and tidy. But if you are like me, you must know that having a clean bathroom is LIFE changing. I want to break down the cleaners we find work the best for our cleans.

There are many different cleaners, each with a different purpose. Eco friendly, pet friendly, and regular cleaning products. For us when we use regular cleaning products that have bleach as an ingredient it is always best to crack a window. Or have some sort of ventilation through the room. With safety precautions and your potential cleaning purpose in mind, though, you can leave your bathroom sparkling on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. One of our favorite picks for a bathroom cleaner, the Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaning , works for most surfaces and is easy to apply. Plus, it has a nice, light scent that will complement your sparkling bathroom. As for our Eco friendly cleaner we love to use Attitude Natural Bathroom Cleaner. It also has a light scent that smells fresh and looks the part.

This is what we have been using, and each one of our clients have been in love with every clean. We hope this helps the next time you are deciding which bathroom cleaner to use.

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